988 (call or text) - 24/7 suicide and mental health crisis hotline and website. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones.

  • One minute to C.A.L.M.

Comfort: What is one small thing that you can imagine doing right now that will feel comforting to you? Think about that for 15 seconds (ideas to imagine yourself doing: Taking warm bath, looking at the ocean, taking a nap, going for a run, eating a snack, sitting in a comfortably darkened room, petting a dog.)

Awareness: Put one hand on your heart and one on your belly and feel your breath for 15 seconds and then ask yourself what you are feeling, where you feel it and what the part of you that is scared/anxious/angry/upset etc needs. You can also put one hand on your forehead and one on the back of your head if that feels better.

Love: Keep your hands on your heart and belly and think one loving (validating, calming, curious) thought and say that loving thought to scared/anxious/angry/upset etc part of yourself. You are not trying to make the part go away but you are giving that part love and attention - giving that part of you a voice.

Mindful: Look around and notice things that you appreciate for 15 seconds (like your favorite color or textures.) Ask that part of you that is upset to look around with you. Repeat until you feel calmer or more confident.

  • H.A.L.T. Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired? Stop and meet those needs first.

  • Regulate your nervous system:

Consider adding ways to calm and regulate your nervous system daily. Stretching, slowing down, turning off screens, reading a book for entertainment, acupuncture, yoga with connection to breath work focus, massage, floating therapy, biofeedback, neurofeedback, saunas, or exercise routines are just a few examples to help regulate a stressed nervous system.

Wellness Resources

Meditation and Mindfulness Apps



Simple Habit

Muse Meditation and Biofeedback Program Choosemuse.com

Mindfulness Exercises


Mindfuless Tips: Check the Facts (and other DBT skills) link

Books & Links

Self-Improvement and Enrichment

Audible books & Podcasts are great ways to distract yourself from overthinking about everyday worries....

Audible books & Podcasts are great ways to distract yourself from overthinking about everyday worries....

Podcasts and Shows

KJC’s intention in recommending the above information is to freely share quality resources with others.

KJC’s intention in recommending the above information is to freely share quality resources with others that will hopefully be helpful.

Write your own story or imagine a new one.

Prompt idea: If you were to be a main character in your own favorite type of novel, what story would you want to write?